For some months now, the American union organization “United Steelworkers” has been negotiating with the management of NLMK Pittsburgh about health insurance coverage for more than 400 members. The aim of the worker representatives is to obtain healthcare coverage worthy of the name for all workers at NLMK, as well as for their families.
Yet the proposal made by the employer is offensive and does not respect the plan previously agreed.
The company itself is trying to force through a form of insurance coverage in which the workers have no confidence. In particular, the cover being proposed would enable the employer to make savings.
The Métallos FGTB share the anger of their comrades across the Atlantic. Social security is one of the essential pillars of our democracy!
• It is shameful to sacrifice the health of workers on the altar of profits;
• It is scandalous to engage in such an exercise while there is a pandemic raging;
• And it is just as disgraceful that the company is refusing to provide information to support the position it is adopting that would open the door to fair negotiations, while also refusing to process the workers’ grievances
The Metalworkers of the FGTB find it impossible to accept that social consultation is being trampled underfoot in this way and that the health of workers and their families is being endangered by an employer who always wants more!
Comrades – we are by your side in this just cause!
Rest assured of our fraternal support!